CPD Providers
Showing 151-160 of 412 items.
# | Name | Phone | Activities | Created At | Updated At | |
151 | Iganga District Hospital | 0751458658 | hospiganga@yahoo.com | View Activities | 2021-12-14 15:53:45 | 2021-12-14 15:53:45 |
152 | CASE HOSPITAL LTD | 0782012568 | hospital@casemedservices.org | View Activities | 2021-12-11 05:31:23 | 2021-12-11 05:31:23 |
153 | Kayunga regional referral hospital | 0782328562 | hospitaldirectorkayunga@gmail.com | 2022-11-24 12:21:46 | 2022-11-24 12:21:46 | |
154 | Rugarama hospital | 0775289839 | hospitalrugarama@yahoo.com | View Activities | 2023-02-23 11:52:01 | 2023-02-23 11:52:01 |
155 | ROSWELL WOMEN AND CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL | 0784551816 | hr@themedicalhub.co.ug | View Activities | 2023-05-16 09:12:27 | 2023-05-16 09:12:27 |
156 | HOIMA REGIONAL REFERRAL HOSPITAL | +256752580084 | ianshaneasiimwe@yahoo.com | 2020-03-09 12:42:25 | 2020-03-09 12:42:25 | |
157 | Uganda martyrs ibanda hospital | 0412333333 | ibandahospital@gmail.com | View Activities | 2023-04-03 07:46:23 | 2023-04-03 07:46:23 |
158 | Uganda Martyrs Hospital Ibanda | 0778 461767 | ibandahospital@yahoo.com | 2022-08-17 13:27:00 | 2022-08-17 14:11:17 | |
159 | Uganda Martyr's Ibanda Hospital | +256778461767 | ibandahospital@yahoo.com | 2021-12-28 13:53:23 | 2021-12-28 14:38:58 | |
160 | C-Care IHK | 0700149659 | ihk@img.co.ug | 2024-03-04 11:07:02 | 2024-03-04 11:07:02 |