Electronic medical records in humanitarian emergencies – the development of an Ebola clinical information and patient management system

NameWorld Continuing Education Alliance
Activity TitleElectronic medical records in humanitarian emergencies – the development of an Ebola clinical information and patient management system
DetailsBy November 2015, the West Africa Ebola epidemic had caused 28598 infections and 11299 deaths in the three countries most affectedn Objectives Course Objective By November 2015, the West Africa Ebola epidemic had caused 28598 infections and 11299 deaths in the three countries most affected. The outbreak required rapid innovation and adaptation. Médecins sans Frontières (MSF) scaled up its usual 20-30 bed Ebola management centres (EMCs) to 100-300 beds with over 300 workers in some settings. This brought challenges in patient and clinical data management resulting from the difficulties of working safely with high numbers of Ebola patients.
CompetencePublic Health
Start Date<span class="not-set">(not set)</span>
End Date<span class="not-set">(not set)</span>
Event Time03:30 PM
LocationWorld Continuing Education Alliance eLearning System
Cost (UGX)0
CPD Points1