Can free open access resources strengthen knowledge-based emerging public health priorities, policies and programs in Africa?

NameWorld Continuing Education Alliance
Activity TitleCan free open access resources strengthen knowledge-based emerging public health priorities, policies and programs in Africa?
DetailsIn recent times, the persistence and unprecedented emergence of rising epidemics and infectious diseases in Africa and worldwide triggered numerous public health declarations of international concern. There is a need for availability of data and information on human-vector-pathogen-ecosystem interfaces, drugs and vaccines development as well as diagnostics techniques and tools from preclinical to clinical levels. It is critical that the information is used in an equitable, ethical and transparent manner. Operational research projects in libraries, national archiving, journals, local and international. Previous literature reviews have shown that open access data and information are of great importance and valuable assets in information sharing, education exchanges and capacity development. This FOA necessity has practically been laid bare by the recent from West Africa Ebola to Zika epidemics crisis where experts across fields including clinical' neonatal and pediatrics have been challe...
CompetencePublic Health
Start Date<span class="not-set">(not set)</span>
End Date<span class="not-set">(not set)</span>
Event Time06:00 PM
LocationWorld Continuing Education Alliance eLearning System
Cost (UGX)0
CPD Points1