Common Problems Encountered in Insulin Management

NameWorld Continuing Education Alliance
Activity TitleCommon Problems Encountered in Insulin Management
DetailsThis session describes the physiological basis of insulin replacement and the commonly used insulin regimens. Practical issues in insulin management are illustrated in case histories and the significance of insulin therapy in relation to driving is reviewed. Objectives By the end of this session you will be able to: 1. Describe normal insulin physiology including understanding basal and prandial insulin secretion 2. List common insulin regimens including bedtime basal insulin, twice daily pre-mixed and basal bolus regimens 3. List commonly used injection devices, how to titrate insulin doses and the significance of rotating injection sites
CompetenceInternal Medicine
Start Date<span class="not-set">(not set)</span>
End Date<span class="not-set">(not set)</span>
Event Time02:45 PM
LocationWorld Continuing Education Alliance eLearning System
Cost (UGX)0
CPD Points1