Preventing HIV Infection with Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis

NameMakerere University-Johns Hopkins University (MUJHU) Research Collaboration
Activity TitlePreventing HIV Infection with Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis
DetailsIntroduction, Combination Prevention, Pre Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), Comparing PrEP and PEP, Differences between ART and PrEP, Why we need PrEP, Evidence PrEP works, ARVS recommended for PrEP, PrEP side effects, Eligibility for PrEP, General screening questions, Creatinine and estimated creatinine clearance.
CompetencePublic Health
Start Date05-10-2023
End Date05-10-2023
Event Time08:00 AM
LocationMUJHU 2 Conference ROOM & Zoom
Cost (UGX)0
CPD Points2