Collecting, Analysing and Documenting Perinatal Data

NameWorld Continuing Education Alliance
Activity TitleCollecting, Analysing and Documenting Perinatal Data
DetailsFor every death, decisions must be taken as to what information is recorded, where the information is recorded, who records it, and who collates it on a periodic basis both for the death review process and for reporting to other levels within the system such as facility- and district-level administration, the national ministry of health, as well as intersectoral systems such as CRVS. Objectives By the end of this session the participants should be able to: State the key components for documentation of perinatal mortality reviews Acquainted with the minimum set of perinatal indicators, births and deaths summary form, stillbirth and neonatal death review form Determine the flow of information Understand how to organize effective case reviews.
CompetencePublic Health
Start Date<span class="not-set">(not set)</span>
End Date<span class="not-set">(not set)</span>
Event Time02:45 PM
LocationWorld Continuing Education Alliance eLearning System
Cost (UGX)0
CPD Points1