Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA in CD34 + peripheral blood mononuclear cells of Ugandan adults with latent infection: a cross-sectional and nested prospective study

NameWorld Continuing Education Alliance
Activity TitleDetection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA in CD34 + peripheral blood mononuclear cells of Ugandan adults with latent infection: a cross-sectional and nested prospective study
DetailsBCG, Bacillus Calmette-Guerin; CD, Cluster Of Differentiation; CFP-10, Culture Filtrate Protein-Ten; ELISPOT, Enzyme Linked Immunospot; ESAT-6, Early Secretory Antigenic Target-Six; HIV, Human Immunodeficiency Virus; IGRAS, Interferon Gamma Release Assays; IPT, Isoniazid Preventive Therapy; LTBI, Latent Tuberculosis Infection; LT-pHSC, Long Term Pluripotent Hematopoeitic Stem Cells; MACS, Magnetic Activated Cell Sorting; PBMC, Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells; PCR, Polymerase Chain Reaction; TST, Tuberculin Skin Test; UNCST, Uganda National Council Of Science And Technology Objectives Course Objective : Tuberculin skin test and interferon gamma release assay (IGRA) show limitations in diagnosing latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) and poorly predict progression to active tuberculosis. This study will explore detection of. In a cross-sectional study, 120 household contacts (60 HIV positive and 60 HIV negative) will be recruited. Also, 10 patients with sputum positive pulmonary tuberculosis and 10 visitors from low incidence countries with no history of TB treatment will be recruited as positive and negative controls, respectively. Participants will donate 100 ml (50 ml for TB patients) of blood to isolate PBMCs using density gradient centrifugation.
CompetencePublic Health
Start Date<span class="not-set">(not set)</span>
End Date<span class="not-set">(not set)</span>
Event Time11:15 AM
LocationWorld Continuing Education Alliance eLearning System
Cost (UGX)0
CPD Points1